Friday, December 14, 2012

How to organize your home & Decrease clutter

Living in clutter is a nightmare - you can't find anything so you're stressed out.

Everything you need is hidden underneath piles of 'whatever that is' and you don't have time to find it.

Every time you make time the mere thought of tackling it makes you run in the opposite direction.

I have some helpful tips here on my how to do it website: How to organize your home

But of you're ready to reclaim your space here are five tips to get organized.

Start Small

Cleaning up clutter is overwhelming. The best thing to do is to start small.

Purge one room at a time or purge for 10 minutes a day. Either one of those will help you ease into the cleaning mode.

As you are cleaning decide if each item will be saved, tossed in trash or donated. Have trash bins handy for throwaway items and garbage bags for donations.

Let Go

It’s hard to let go of items because of that time where you will 'need it one day.' Other times there is sentimental value.

Either way you have to make the decision to let go of items you haven’t used. If that 'one day' hasn't arrived yet it probably never will.

Subscriptions like magazines and newspapers that have been read only once needs to be unsubscribed. It takes up so much space.


Have a place for everything. It will be hard to lose something when everything has a place to go.

Use the garage, basement, attic or similar places for seasonal items.

Another great option is to use stuff around the house. Baskets, boxes and bins go a long way to making a room look more manageable.

Take advantage of vertical storage in the home--bookshelves and vertical storage solutions--and save a lot of space in the process.

If anything is taken from their storage place put it back where you found it. It will always be there when you need it.

Clean Up Time

Organization does not end when everything is clean. You must keep it that way to live in a clutter-free environment.

Schedule a time to clean up the clutter. That way the clutter won’t return back to the way it was.

Stop Wasteful Spending

Purchasing a new item for the house is one more item for possible clutter.

Make sure that this item is absolutely necessary (impulse shopping, latest trends and technology upgrades are NOT necessary).

It’s best to purchase items that will serve more than one purpose or rent items needed.

When one item is purchased purge and take away one item from the home to stop clutter.

This will force you to use what is in the home so that each purchase will have meaning.

How to organize your home

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