Friday, July 4, 2014

How To Use Seasonal Affective Disorder Lights Safely And Effectively

 Its Winter here now where I live, and it is bitterly cold, wet and overcast.  The whole world seems very grey and gloomy which makes it easy to fall prey to the SAD syndrome if you are not prepared with the right equipment and lights around your home to combat this form of depression.

If you didn't already know that there are special SAD lights and lamps that help everyone stay happy and balanced through even the darkest of winters, you need to check this out.

Although seasonal affective disorder lights are generally considered safe and effective to use, there are a few important points you need to bear in mind before you use them. Here’s a quick guide to how to prepare for their use, and the risks involved in using them.

Preparing To Use An SAD Lamp

The useful thing about light therapy boxes is that they are widely available from a number of different retailers. They can be purchased at relatively low cost, and are generally easy to use. You can purchase and use a light box without guidance from a doctor, though you may want to speak to a medical professional who will let you know if they have any specific recommendations or concerns.

Light therapy is best started early in fall, while conditions are still mild. Sufferers of SAD will often find that symptoms get worse as the winter progresses, so early use of light boxes can help to combat this, leaving better moods and higher energy levels. Some people do get Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months, especially when the weather is rainy or cloudy. In this case it’s important to use the light box when you feel is right for you.

In order to make sure that light therapy is as effective as possible, there are a few factors to consider:

* Timing: Most people find that light boxes produce better results when used earlier in the morning. Avoid using them later at night, as this may affect your sleep. Daily use is recommended, as the effects of light therapy often wear off.

* Duration: Seasonal Affective Disorder lights can be used for different lengths of time, depending on your own specific symptoms. Manufacturers of light boxes will generally recommend how long you should use them for. This will usually be a period between 30 minutes and a few hours, depending on the intensity of the light you are using.

*Intensity: Different light boxes have different intensities, and their brightness is measured in lux. It’s recommended that you use a product with at least 2,500 lux, though as high as 10,000 can be useful and will usually require 30 minute sessions.

Here are some of the most populat SAD lights that you can see online and get delivered to your door:

How To Get The Most From Your Light Box

In order to get the very best results from light therapy, you’ll need to make sure that you make time in your routine to do it every day. If you miss out certain days, or give up, then you’re not going to feel all of the benefits. The good news is that you don’t just have to sit there when the light is shining. You can carry on with your daily routine, as long as you stay nearby to the light box to get the full effect.

The Risks Involved

Seasonal Affective Disorder lights can produce some side effects, which are usually mild and fade quickly. These include:
* Eyestrain,
* Headache,
* Nausea,
* Dry mouth,
* Sleep problems.

If side effects don’t disappear then it’s important to seek medical advice, or try reducing the time you use the light box, start taking breaks and using them at different times of the day.

Seasonal Affective Disorder lights are generally very easy to use, and work quickly and effectively as long as you use them for long enough. The risks are very slim, but speak with your doctor if you’re concerned about how a light box could affect you.

You don't have to be depressed and sad all winter long... just plug into one of these great lighting systems and enjoy a natural way to beat depression!

- Helene Malmsio

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