Saturday, February 6, 2016

Great Ideas For A Container or Tower Garden In Small Spaces

Nowadays we often live in restricted spaces that don't allow for big gardens for flowers or especially for vegetables and other food crops.

But there are innovative ways to grow plants in even tiny spaces, including using Container Garden ideas or the popular trend for Tower Gardens and Wall Gardens.

I have been growing even lemon trees and other fruit trees in containers, and enjoying a good crop every year or lemons, mandarins, peaches, plums, figs, and even vegetables like tomato and asparagus.

Very often, people start out with container gardening with very good intentions but don’t really have the know how to make a go of it.

It can be quite common for a hopeful container gardener to do very well with one kind of plant and  not well at all with another.

What do you need to know and do to be successful at container gardening?

In this article, we’ll share some great ideas for successful and productive gardening in your little corner of the world.

You may be surprised to know that there are lots of easy-to-grow plants out there. You can grow a wide variety of veggies in containers.

The key is knowing what kind of soil to begin with and what kind of placement will work best.

Veggies are like people. They have their preferences.

The best way to determine where to put your containers is to simply consult the information on the backs of your seed packets.

They will tell you how much sun each type of veggie needs. Additionally, you will learn what kind of soil you need and how often to water. What could be easier than that?

You may want to set up several mini-container gardens around your home to accommodate all the different types of fresh veggies you want to plant. For example, you could keep all your herbs in a nice rack in a sunny kitchen window.

Just line the rack with peat moss, add the right kind of soil and plant your seeds or seedlings. For minimum mess, it’s best to put this kind of arrangement above your kitchen sink for easy, tidy watering.

Put larger containers out on your patio or balcony. Patio tomatoes are perfect for this. Be sure to choose the type that is intended for container gardening. These shorter, bushier tomato plants don’t need to be staked to stand up straight, and they are stellar producers.

Make the most of your tomato containers by adding radishes at the base of your tomato plants. They are fast and easy to grow, and they help keep bugs away.

For a pretty touch, add some marigolds for more natural bug repelling.

Bell peppers are another pretty and tasty choice for outdoor container gardening. Choose red, yellow, green or all three for an attractive display and a tasty addition for salads, soups and other dishes.

Be sure you get the right kind of soil for your container gardening project. Avoid heavy soil. You can get a good commercial mix and add vermiculite, perlite or peat to lighten the soil and provide good drainage. In this way, you can avoid root rot.

You can also compost your own soil mix from kitchen scraps by establishing a compost bin or small compost heap if you happen to have the room. Invest in a batch of garden worms to help you compost your kitchen waste super-fast to make rich potting soil. You will still need to add vermiculite, perlite or peat to lighten the mix.

It’s smart to use large, high quality planting containers outdoors so that you can easily return to them and amend the soil year after year, just like in a standard garden.

When you place your containers, don’t worry too much if you can’t provide full sun all day.

This is really too much for container gardening. Six hours of good sun is really plenty for most types of veggies.

Container gardening is really quite simple and lots of fun even in an apartment or home with a small yard.

You can amend your family diet and enjoy a relaxing hobby with simple and easy use of a few inexpensive resources. Follow the tips presented here for fun with container gardening in a small space.

I have a very detailed online guide that can explain fully the methods of Tower Gardening in any small space ... just click here to learn more about
 >>  How To Make Your Own Tower Garden!

Here are some products you can buy online about how to make your own tower garden that I think look very useful:

A Couple of Things To Consider When Shopping For Blenders

If you are a cook who likes to prepare healthy meals for yourself and your family you will be processing a lot of fruit and vegetables every day.

And any helpful household gadget that makes that job a bit faster and easier is a blessing!

Blenders are must-items in every household nowadays especially if you are very health conscious.

You see, blenders are pretty nifty when it comes to making fruit juices that are rich sources of vitamins and minerals.

On top of this, you can also use this gadget to create vegetables dishes that can resemble meats.

This is the reason why most people who are into a specific diet plans or those who have become vegetarians are investing in good blenders.

After all, you will be taking in only fresh foods and drinks with it.

Even those who have restaurants also invest in blenders for their ingredient preparation.

Like a food processor, blenders can help in mincing and in grinding ingredients.

In fact, it can even turn some hard to bit into ingredients into powder form. Chefs do this with spices that may be bitter when bit into.

In a powder form, these spices can easily flavor the food that they are cooking.

But with all the different kinds of blenders in the market, one cannot be sure of just what to buy for the home or for the business.

Another question is if a blender is the right choice or would a food processor be better.

If you are serious about including juice in your daily diet you will be best off investing in a good quality electric Juice extractor machine to make the job fast and simple.

Here are some tips to help you in your decision.

1. Function

One of the things that you should consider before buying a blender is what you will be doing with it.

A lot of things will depend on the answer to this question— the price of the blender, the power, the brand and even, the dilemma between food processor and blender.

If you are planning to use it for making shakes and juices at home, the blender is the obvious choice. It is after all not called a liquidizer for nothing.

A blender can be best used when making liquid concoctions, from milkshakes to alcoholic drinks. You can create Zombies and margaritas with this gadget.

If you are planning to crush ice with it, go for the more expensive blenders as the smaller cheaper ones will not have enough power to do it.

They may be able to do the job once or twice but crushing ice often will cause the blades and the machine to big down.

If you are however planning to use it for preparing ingredients when you cook a meal, the best thing to buy is actually the food processor.

 With this gadget, you can slice your tomatoes, mash potatoes, mince pork and shred cabbages. You can even grate cheese with it.

You see, food processors have with it interchangeable razors and blades that you can use. These blades perform a variety of function, depending on what you want.

Between the two, the food processor is actually the more versatile as it can also make juices for you. It will be a harder job but it can be accomplished.

You can learn more in my online How To Guide about Juicing and how it can improve your overall health, as well as recommending some of the top blenders to choose from.

Click here to learn all about >>> Juicing Benefits

2. Budget

Another consideration when buying blenders for your food and drinks is the price range that you can afford.

If you really want a good blender, I suggest that you save your money for the expensive ones with a good brand.

 That way, you won't need to worry about it not being able to do the things that you want to do.

After all, you cannot be too sure just what you will need the blender for in the future.

One of the essential pieces of equipment you will need to become a regular juicer for health is a good quality reliable and strong electric juicing machine that will extract the juice from your fruit and veg without stress or strain. 
You also want to read customer reviews to make sure that the cleanup of the equipment is simple and fast.
Click below to check out the most popular models being sold on Amazon right now. 
Note: You will often get a good discount on the usual retail prices, and sometimes even free shipping to your door, when you buy from the links featured here!
CLICK HERE >>> for details of Juice extractor machines

Which Juice Extractor Do I Use?

I personally own and use the Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor and it has done a brilliant job for me over the years.

I especially love the fact that I can feed it whole apples and fruit without having to chop it up first.

It is tough as nails. And clean up is a breeze!
my juicer-Breville-JE98XL-Juice-Fountain